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dorr legg造句

  • It was started by William Dale Jennings joined with likeminded colleagues Don Slater, Dorr Legg, Tony Reyes, and Mattachine Society founder Harry Hay.
  • Some remaining fragments of data from the library were later collected by W . Dorr Legg and ONE, Inc . in the US in the 1950s.
  • Legg had previously published " Homosexuals Today : A Handbook of Organizations & Publications " as Marvin Cutler ( pseud . of Dorr Legg ) editor, Publications Division of ONE, Incorporated, Los Angeles, 1956.
  • That year, with Don Slater and Dorr Legg, he founded ONE Inc ., which began publishing a national journal for gays, ONE Magazine, which reported on police and government harassment of gays, and was printed at first on a small press in Jennings'brother-in-law's basement.
  • The landmark compendium helped encourage serious scholarship on gay and lesbian issues, Docter said . " An Annotated Bibliography of Homosexuality ( in two volumes ) ", edited by Vern Bullough, W . Dorr Legg, Barrett W . Elcano, and James Kepner, Garland Publishing, Inc, New York & London, 1976.
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